Kemper Health

Primary Provider Network - First Health LBP

First Health Network provides us with all our information in regards to participation and pricing. If you have a concern regarding your status in their network or the repriced amount on an allowed claim, we recommend that you contact them directly for assistance. First Health customer service will be able to research and address your concerns and can be reached at 800.937.6824. They also have a very extensive website that allows you to review frequently asked questions, join the network, change demographic information or get a copy of the provider manual.

Secondary Provider Network - Multiplan

MultiPlan Network provides us with all our information in regards to participation and pricing. If you have a concern regarding your status in their network or the repriced amount on an allowed claim, we recommend that you contact them directly for assistance. MultiPlan customer service will be able to research and address your concerns and can be reached at 888.342.7427. They also have a very extensive website that allows you to review frequently asked questions, join the network, change demographic information or get a copy of the provider manual. Their website is

Essential Benefit Administrators

First Health Network

First Health Network provides us with all our information in regards to participation and pricing. If you have a concern regarding your status in their network or the repriced amount on an allowed claim, we recommend that you contact them directly for assistance. First Health customer service will be able to research and address your concerns and can be reached at 800.937.6824. They also have a very extensive website that allows you to review frequently asked questions, join the network, change demographic information or get a copy of the provider manual.